Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Jadul Story #8 First~

yess we enter to the love session , eh eh no just like because at that time i don't know about love, yess at Sixth grade at the end of the elementary school , i change what i watch in television (i want to say 'tontonan' in english but i don't know and google translate also don't know about that). from cartoon to Drama ahahaha yaa the first drama what i like is Titanic ! yeah im still in sixth grade of elementary school i love Titanic movie , BUT i never propose to watch the hot moment but i just want to see the ship yeah BIG ship , because at that time i always go to my home town (my home town in Palembang'Sumatera Island' and Banjarmasin'Borneo Island') if you dont know about that islands this is the map .
ifi you see the map you can know Sumatera Island at the left and Borneo island ath the middle 'the shape like chicken' and java island at the down 'why this blog became geographic education', so if i want to go to sumatera island or borneo island i should to use water transportation because there is no way over there to using car or motor cycle , the transportation what i use is Ferry , im always excited every i go with ferry because in my mind ferry is the bigger transportationin the history 'Too much' please.. because more than a houndred car and motor cycle can enter to bridge to sumatera island or borneo island , because that i really really love titanic movie because im so excited with titanic ship , thats so big big ship there are more that a thousand rooms , there is a swimming pool and thing what make me very excited the steam/smoke from the chimney(i don't know this is the correct word or not).  yeah thats the reason what i love titanic movie from me just a children . and after i watch titanic movie until 3or 4 times im became love to the drama movie , i always choose drama film or serial television no cartoon again , and then the story in that film enter to my brain and i want to do what in film do , yeaah LIKE SOMEONE.

And i like someone who's the name Gloria , i don't know why i like her until know im still don't know why i like her. yaa i think just like the like not become love . Gloria is taller than me 'that time' she is have short brown curly hair andd....... i think just it. and after she know about my feeling she always see me with cinyc face and i never talking and never to do something together with her because im scare wkwkwkwk ... 

just it.

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